About us

We found out about European STEM League from Science on Stage Georgia, National Steering Committee, Prof. Dr. Marika Kapanadze (Science Education Research Centre SALiS/ Ilia State University). We decided to take part in the competition and chose the task “Drink and Think”. We did some experiments:
Ø [A] Number-symbol test (which is part of many IQ tests)—advised for students age 13+
Ø [B] Ruler test—recommended for all ages
All the activities performed by us are represented in the blog . We think that the tasks were carried out  quite  successfully  . Our project is competitive and we hope  that it will be success in this contest.
As for us , we are Georgian Cadets (from Georgia). We study at Cadets Military Lyceum (https://cadet.mod.gov.ge/) . It is the only military institution in Georgia established by the Ministry of Defense.  The studies last for three years (grade X-XII). The lyceum is considered to be the best not only for its infrastructure but also for  the students’ academic achievements. We are involved into   eTwinning (etwinning.net)  which  is the community for schools in Europe.  We   collaborate and   develop  projects  together  with  our  European colleagues . The projects and the lyceum were awarded with the national and European quality labels. Due to this our  lyceum was  nominated as eTwinning school. Despite the fact that  the lyceum exists only  for 7 years it has already  become one of the top 5 schools in Georgia. A majority of our graduates carry on their studies at National Defense Academy . Some students study at Turkish Military Academy and two of our graduates  at West Point. The cadets lead active sports life as they have everyday work outs and military trainings . The students are interested in different types of sports and they regularly participate in sports contests. Taking part in this competition and especially working on this topic  seems to be very interesting and challenging for us. Isotonic drinks are very important not only for sportsmen but for military men as well .We became aware of many useful things about isotonic drinks and their  influence on human health.
You can find additional information about our team members on Georgian Cadets
