Ruler Test

[B] Ruler test—recommended for all ages

The test administrator lets a ruler fall down between the thumb and forefinger of the subject, and the subject tries to catch it as fast as possible. The students may discuss what the best starting position for the ruler would be. They can find out quite easily how far the ruler must fall before the subject can catch it. Moreover, they have to find out the best design for their study, including the time needed by a student who has not consumed any drink. This is of course an experimental control design, which means that you are simultaneously comparing two random groups (a control group and an experimental group). This setup makes it possible to compare the brain activity of two groups without any further influences or confounders apartfrom the factor of drinking. In further tests, the students can measure and compare the effects of different kinds of drinks.

[B] Ruler test—recommended for all ages

We have chosen  four cadets  (18) :
ü  of them use energy drinks regularly
ü  And 2 have never tasted it

According to the results of the experiment, those who use energy drinks had slower reaction while catching the ruler than those ones who don’t drink it.
